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Kasubi Hall was the spiritual heart of RYDA. Built in 2005 with local materials and using local labour, it stood as the community centre, worship space, special events venue, examination room and occasional income-generator.

Kasubi visited by Australian friends December 2005.

In February 2010 it was destroyed overnight by relentless tropical rain.

This page celebrates the completion of its replacement, St. Margaret Hall, through the determination, skill and hope of the RYDA staff and students and the commitment, faithfulness and generosity of scores of donors, most of whom channeled their donations through St. Margaret's Uniting Church, Mooroolbark, Australia.

Official opening of St. Margaret March 2015.

Officially opened on March 5th 2015, St. Margaret Hall stands as a monument to RYDA's past work in redirecting the lives of orphaned and vulnerable youths and as launching place for successful future endeavours. Relive the history of this amazing phoenix through the photos below.

Through the Spirit of God
the dedication and skill of
the RYDA community
prayers and gifts of
donors from across the world
you are welcome to
Buloba, Uganda

Named in appreciation of 19 years of consistent prayer and support for RYDA co-ordinated through St. Margaret's Uniting Church, Mooroolbark, Australia ...and... in honour of St. Margaret of Scotland who was known to feed the poor at her castle gate every morning before she ate her own breakfast.