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Where is RYDA?

  • 8 miles from Kampala off Kampala-Mityana Road, near Buloba High School & Teachers' College
  • Latitude: 0° 19’ 27.68" North
    Longitude: 32° 27’ 57.70" East
  • Google Maps link

All About RYDA
(PDF - 2 pages)

Click image for information about RYDA and St. Margaret's.

RYDA Gift Certificates

  • Help to change the lives of children like these.
  • Christmas, birthday, any time you don't know what to give...
    now you do!
  • Read about our
    RYDA Gift Certificates.
Suzan's Ordination

Sunday December 15th Suzan Liz Nabirye, Principal, Rubaga Youth Development Association (RYDA), Uganda, will be attending her ordination service to become a Rev. Deacon in the Church of Uganda. The Church of Uganda is in the Anglican tradition. Suzan will be integrating her new role with her principalship, which can only strengthen and expand RYDA's expertise in serving the vocational and life skill learning needs of the orphaned and disadvantaged teenagers it supports.

Please pray for Suzan, for all involved in the service and give thanks to God for leading Suzan and RYDA to this point. If you use What's App, you can find her on that service and perhaps send your wishes as well. We look forward to seeing photos.

Celebration of Christmas a Success

Sunday afternoon November 24th St. Margaret's church was overflowing with four part harmonies and enthusiastic community singing as we celebrated the approaching Christmas through carols and lessons led by Singularity. The choir asked us if we would like them to perform this repertoire as a fund raising event to support RYDA. Those who came were so glad we said yes. As always the 20+ members donated their time on the day and through several rehearsals beforehand. Admissions and donations totalled $765.

Thank you to those who supported with their presence, those who couldn't make it but sent a donation and those who supported by taking on various roles leading up to, and on the day of the performance.

More has since been added to proceeds with $300 from Ron Seccull's dedication to collecting and cashing bottles and cans in Yarrawonga. Even more has been added in the past couple of weeks through Christmas Gift Certificates. Our treasurer will arrange a transfer as soon as possible.

Update 16th December
AUD 2221.65 transferred to RYDA today. This included $20 towards bank fees in Uganda, concert proceeds, Ron's $300 and a variety of wonderful donations from a range of prayerful supporters. Thank you to every one of you. The amount RYDA should see in their account is USD 1333.31.
Christmas Gift Certificates

  • Do you struggle to find the right gift?
  • Is it getting difficult to tell people what to give you for Christmas or birthday?
  • Do you have all you need?
  • Are you wanting to down size anyway?
  • Are you a bit uncomfortable with the 'surprise' gifts you know cost too much?
  • Do you receive gifts you won't use?
  • ...

With Gift Certificates everyone wins.

If you don't have a colour printer, click to open then save the file and take it to your local print shop.

We have given for you...
I have given for you...
  • Click the image you need, then print,
  • Or save the file and take it to your local print shop.
  • Print and include this RYDA Information Sheet with your certificate.

Donate to Add Value to Your Gift
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
St. Margaret's Uniting Church
Bendigo Bank
BSB 633 000 Account No. 157319310
Swift Code: BENDAU3B
Code for donors outside Australia only.
Contact Doug ( for alternative if your bank doesn't trade with this code.
  • Include the reference to 4RYDA in the payment.

  • If a friend or relative asks what you want for Christmas, send them the link to this page. Tell them you want a RYDA Christmas Gift Certificate.

Thank you for your continuing prayers and support throughout 2024.
We wish all donors and friends of Rubaga Youth Development Association
blessings and peace for Christmas and throughout the coming year.