I began my teaching career in 1970 as a
secondary mathematics teacher in a remote rural high school. I
advanced to head of department of a large inner city high school and
then transferred to the primary division at the beginning of 1978. I
taught primary school from then until the end of 1992 when I became a
freelance consultant working almost exclusively in mathematics
Through my primary years I taught Years 2, 3
and 5 as a classroom teacher and for five years taught all levels
from Prep to Year 6 as the art specialist in the school. I team
taught in a double open plan room for several years and for many
years was involved in extra curricula activities with the school's
bands and theatre presentations.
Beyond my particular school I have been
involved in many ways over many years with the Mathematical
Association of Victoria and the Australian
Association of Mathematics Teachers,
which are the professional associations of my state and country
respectively. For example I have been president of the MAV and editor
of both its primary and secondary journals.
I have written for an extensive number of
journals and authored, or co-authored, several books. Many of my
articles appear in The Classroom Connection, a journal for
primary teachers which, unfortunately, is now out of print. Each issue, contained articles on most
areas of the total primary curriculum - language, literature, classroom management, health and physical education, science and technology and so on. From 1999 - 2001 inclusive I was also the editor of this journal.
Some of my publications include:
- Teaching Mathematics Through
Children's Art
Oxford University
Press, Melbourne, (Heinemann in the United States)
- Cal. Q. Lator: Your Classroom
Oxford University
Press, Melbourne.This book is now out of print, but many of the
ideas from it are included in the Calculating Changes section of Mathematics Centre.
- Mathematics Learning For
Series co-authored with Pam
Hammond and Jenny Vincent for Oxford Press, Melbourne.
- Learning Space With 3d
- Points Of View, Representing 3D
Objects In 2D
Mixed Media Unit
co-authored with Charles Lovitt and Ian Lowe for The Task Centre
Collective Pty. Ltd., Melbourne.
- Maths With Attitude
co-authored with Charles Lovitt for The Task Centre
Collective Pty. Ltd., Melbourne. More information about these hands-on learning kits is available in the Maths With Attitude section of Mathematics Centre.
- Maths300
co-created with Charles Lovitt. More information about these investigation-based lessons designed as a professional learning tool can be found here.
- Poly Plug
A classroom friendly resource with huge range of applications. More information about these hands-on learning kits is available in the Poly Plug section of Mathematics Centre.
- Professor Morris Puzzles
Poster Problems in rhyming verse form with cartoon style drawings. More information about these hands-on learning kits is available in the Professor Morris section of Mathematics Centre.
Throughout my career, in addition to my daily teaching responsibilities, I have provided professional development for my colleagues as part of the healthy Australian educational culture of sharing experiences so that all may continue to learn how to teach.
Provision of professional development is
now the focus of my work. It would be my pleasure to discuss
servicing the mathematics education needs of your school, cluster or district.